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Perform research in your interests or research for others.
An Atom 4 U(s)...bRain-storming directionals <=>
==>> of and to practical shareable information after reflective thought brought to you by my G-d-given gifts
It's JareDov's
An Atom 4 U(s)...
I offer to find information on the topic of your choice and can also recommend research techniques to help you gather information on your own.
Eventually, I hope through the sharing of research and research techniques to empower the underemployed and those with little lobbying voice to affect social justice* in their hearts and communities.
An excellent example of ongoing social justice efforts can be found at Stop kvetching!.
You may email me at
to inquire about "what is this thing or that?".
About the research I'll do or offer assistance to you:
- it will not intentionally invade other people's privacy; this is an informational reference service, not an investigation service.
- requests are to be peaceful in intent.
For quick timelapse northeastern USA radar, click here.
Historically Inclement Maryland Winters
Maryland's Historic Weather Extremes.
Research rates:
We are "pro bono, pro share," but for reference:
Reference, research, and referral is offered for your choice of either $ 25 per hour or $ 5 per source.
Research training is at no charge.
Composing and writing an effective letter is your choice of either $ 30 per hour or $ 20 per page.
954 week special!
Here's a map of Canada with clickable observations and forcasts ...

"An Atom 4 U(s)..." - - a few milestones in its development:
"An Atom for Us", "un atome pour nous" in French, "ein Atom fur uns" in German, "un atomo per noi" in Italian, "un atomo para nosotros" in Spanish, and "um atomo para nos" in Portuguese. As atoms are the fundamental building blocks of matter and energy, so is research the cornerstone to thorough knowledge.
'U(s)' combines several word combinations into one (in this case - you, us, and U.S.(A)).
I first visited Garrett County, Maryland (formerly western Prince George's County) during the summer of 1975 after just graduating from elementary school. During my next visit to the Appalachian plateau on October 21, 1984, I was ticketed near Finzel (just west of the Garrett/Allegheny county border) for going 10 mph over the speed limit in a dash to Fallingwater in Ohiopyle, PA before they closed for the day. Six weeks later, my wife and I traveled to the Garrett County seat, Oakland, to pay the speeding ticket fine and request that points not be added to my driving record. We received great hospitality by a real estate agent and the Will O' the Wisp hotel on that December day.
Later that December, we packed our Greenbelt, MD apartment and relocated to Mountain Lake Park just east of Oakland. We soon met with the U.S. Small Business Administration in Washington, D.C., and they greenlighted our idea of the topographic map educational service concept limited to selected topics, had its first project literally brainstormed into clarity during a chartered flight in December 1984 from Garrett County Airport (2G4) off Bumble Bee Road in McHenry, Maryland to the College Park, Maryland Airport to visit Sima who was under the weather at our Greebelt, MD apartment.
During the nighttime flight, pilot Tom Glotfelty decided how I could compensate him for his 'deadhead' back to 2G4. We agreed on my contacting the Maryland State Department of Transportation in Baltimore to persuade them to provide 2G4 with Supplemental Aviation Weather Reporting Station (SAWRS) equipment and training, as they were reporting weather to requesting pilots from other pilot reports or surface temperature, humidity, and barometer.
Within a month 2G4 was equipped with a SAWRS complete with a much needed ceiling light/height measuring capability Mr. & Mrs. Glotfelty were trained by the State (see article at bottom of the 'Eyes Only Required' page). Today, 2G4 has an automated ASOS weather station whose automated voice-read observation can be heard by calling 1 (301) 746-8443.
I consider this logistical accomplishment a research project for the common good for which An Atom 4 U(s)... was developed.
Fourteen years later (in 1999), Atom 4 U(s)... was officially launched when an owner of a temporary employment agency in Tucson, Arizona asked me during an interview why I hadn't tried to do research on my own and offered me a little assignment which was to find a monthly newsletter by people who set-up call centers and technical information on setting them up. Several jiffys (less than a second) later, I located and was paid for my effort.
Project completion (23.April.2003): Stop sign installed at southernmost 2nd Street exit of First United Bank & Trust in Oakland just for the asking (thanks to grounds and maintenance manager at the bank and Mayor McCain). Pedestrians on the way to and from the bank, library, and other sites can now feel more confident negotiating the intersection.
Project completion (November 2015): Transcribed handwritten letter from Shneur Zalman Levine to the U.S. Justice Department on Mossad satellite surveillance.
Recent project completion (January 2016): Pulled 24 potential granting agencies from the foundation database at the Enoch Pratt Free Library on Cathedral St. (main branch) for the Baltimore Community Kollel (Rabbi Mordechai Bamberger, director).
See Brief History of Garrett County for an education in Garrett County, both physical and sociological.
My nickname is JareDov. As I may have been born with Asperger's syndrome/disorder (a high-functioning type of autism; see, while I checked as a teenager I noticed "JareDov" would have appeared immediately before the word 'jargon' (shorthand that the experts use). A primary interest of mine since then has been to educate myself and others in removing barriers imposed by jargon we encounter and help break down useful concepts into manageable pieces. Let's live in harmonious concert and respect for ourselves and other life forms who cope with living on Earth. Let us teach and learn from other people and other species and responsibly enjoy our planet's resources. All the while, dig the life force inside you courtesy of your creator ("why in the world are we here? surely not to live in pain and fear" - john lennon, 1969). Patience trains my soul to accept the world can operate without me. It can be a natural anxiety reliever, and I get to work on other stuff in the meantime!
Here are my initial referrals to a couple of talented singers and songwriter who grew up on the Eastern Piedmont rolling suburbanscape of Prince George's County, Maryland between the Patuxent River and Rock Creek:
Listen to Eva Cassidy!
Current aurora sightings are HERE.
The definitions of many of the below medical and pharmaceutical terms are mainly copyright 1999 and 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, but the user of this site should consult a currently trained or licensed professional in the medical field for the precise use of the term as it applies to your situation or interest.
In addition, here are some other resources I am consulting for this project for medical transcription:
Rx List
Medicine Net
Anatomy Front
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary
Word List
Text Tools
Spell Checker
Okay, now, so:
Acaridae family of order Acarina; lg. group of mites, usu. 0.5 mm or less, in dried fruits & meats, grain, meal, & flour; freq. cause of severe dermatitis among people hypersensitized by freq. handling of infested products
Acarina order of Arachnida that includes mites & ticks
Acarus genus of mites of family Acaridae
Accutane (brand, 1999) retinoic acid derivative;
see isotretinoin
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme
Addison's disease hypofunctioning of adrenal cortex; hypotension, hypoglycemia, dark skin pigmentation, weight loss caused by hormone deficiency of aldosterone (syn. chronic adrenocortical insufficiency)
ADL activities of daily living
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; defic of cellular immunity induced by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1); characterized by opportunistic diseases
Aldactone (brand, 1999) diuretic, potassium sparing;
see spironolactone
Aldomet (brand, 1999) alpha-adrenergic blocking agent;
see methyldopa
Aldoril (brand, 1999) antihypertensive agent, combination; see methyldopa and hydrochlorothiazide
Alupent (br,99) adrenergic agonist agent; see metaproterenol
Ancef (brand, 1999) cephalosporin; see cefazolin
Angelchik type of gastrointestinal ring prosthesis
Angiocath type of suture used in the chest
Arachnida class of arthropods consisting of spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, mites, ticks, and allies
Astra manufacturer of pacemaker bipolar generator
Atarax (br, '99) antiemetic, antihistamine; see hydroxyzine
Augmentin (brand, 1999) penicillin;
see amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium
Axid (brand, 1999) histamine H2 antagonist; see nizatidine
a.c. before meals
abdominopelvic relating esp. to combined abdominal & pelvic cavities
abdominoperineal relating to abdomen & perineum
aboral direction away from the mouth
acetabulum socket on hip bone surface - femur joins
acetazolamide (generic, 1999); anticonvulsant; carbonic anhydrase inhibitor; reduce elevated intraocular pressure in glaucoma; a diuretic; adjunct to treatment of refractory seizures & acute altitude sickness; centrencephalic epilepsies
acetylcholine (generic, 1999) cholinergic agent; produces rapid, complete miosis in cataract eye surgery, keratoplasty, iridectomy, and other anterior segment surgery
acidosis pathologic state charact. by incr. in concentration of hydrogen ions in arterial blood above normal level; may be caused by accum. of carbon dioxide or acidic products of metabolism or by decr. of concentration of alkaline products
achondroplasia congenital bone dwarfism
acromegaly pituitary disease, enlargment of distals
adenectomy surgical removal of gland
adenocarcinoma cancer of glandular tissues
adenoidectomy surgical removal of adenoids
adenopathy enlargement of lymphatic glands
adenotonsillectomy surgical remvl of adenoids & tonsils
adherence 1.act/quality of sticking to something; 2.extent to which patient continues agreed-upon treatmt w/o close supervisn
adhesion 1.process of adhering or uniting two surfaces or parts, esp. opposing wound surfaces; 2.inflammatory bands connecting opposite serous surfaces in pleural & peritoneal cavities; 3.physical attraction of unlike molecules for each other; 4.molecular attraction existing btw surfaces of bodies in contact
adjuvant 1.substance added to drug formulation affecting active ingredient in predictable way, immunology, vehicle used to enhance antigenicity, 3.additional therapy to enhance/extend primary therapy's effect, 4.treatment added to curative treatment to prevent recurrence of clinical cancer
adnexal pertaining to appendage, esp. of uterus
adrenergic 1.relating to nerve cells or fibers of autonomic nervous system that employ norepinephrine as their neurotransmitter; 2.relating to drugs that mimic actions of sympathetic nervous system
adrenocortical pertaining to cortex of suprarenal gland
aerobic living in air
afebrile without fever
affinity chemistry, force impelling certain atoms to form complexes/compounds w/other atoms; 2.selective staining of tissue by dye, chemical, or other substance
agonist 1.muscle in contraction w/ref. to its opposing muscle, or antagonist; 2.drug capable of combining w/receptors to initiate drug actions; it possesses affinity and intrinsic activity
akinesis absence of movement, temp. paralysis
albicans white
albuminuria protein in urine, usu. indicative of disease;
syn. proteinuria
albuterol (gen.,'99) adrenergic agonist agent; bronchodilator in reversible airway obstruction due to asthma or COPD
aldehyde-lyase enzyme catalyzing reversal of aldol condensation
aldolase aldehyde-lyase; enzyme on which a level is obtained (i.e., serum aldolase; range 1.0-7.5 U/L @30C)
allantoic relating to allatois
allantoin substance present in allantonic fluid, fetal urine, and elsewhere; also an oxidation product of uric acid, and the end product of purine metabolism in animals other than humans and other primates
allantois fetal membrane developing from hindgut (yolk sac in humans). Vestigal in humans; externally, in mammals, it contributes to formation of umbilical cord and placenta; in birds and reptiles, it lies close beneath porous shell and serves as organ of respiration
allopurinol (generic, '99) xanthine oxidase inhibitor; prevent attacks of gouty arthritis & nephropathy; treats secondary hyperuricemia during treatment of tumors or leukemia
aluminum acetate and acetic acid (generic, 1999) otic agent, anti-infective; treats superficial infections of external auditory canal
alveolar relating to alveolus
alveoli pl. of alveolus
alveolus 1.small cell, cavity, socket; (syn. pulmonary a.) 2.terminal secretory portion of alveolar or racemoce gland; of honeycomb pits in stomach wall; 4.syn. tooth socket
amaurosis blindness; caused by disease
amaurosis fugax transient episode of blindness of one eye or partial blindness, lasting 10 min. or less
amblyopia vision impairment w/o eye lesion
amebicide agent causing destruction of amoebas
amenorrhea absence/abnormal stop of menses
aminophylline (generic, 1999) theophylline derivative; bronchodilator in reversible airway obstruction due to asthma or COPD; increase diaphragmatic contractility; neonatal apnea
amiodarone (generic, 1999) antiarrhythmic agent; mgmt of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and supraventricular arrhythmias unresponsive to conventional therapy
amitriptyline (generic, 1999) antidepressant; tricyclic; treatmt of depression, often in conjunction w/psychotherapy; analgesic for chronic & neuropathic pain; migraine prophylaxis
amoxicillin (generic, 1999) penicillin; treatmt of otitis media, sinusitis, infections involving respiratory/urinary tract & skin due to H. influenzae, N. gonorrhoeae, E. coli;, P. mirabilis, E. faecalis, streptococci, staphylococci; prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis
amoxicillin & clavulanate potassium (gen., 1999) penicillin; treats infections caused by organisms involving lwr respiratory tract, otitis media, sinusitis, skin, & urinary tract
amphotericin B - conventional (gen,'99) antifungal agent; treats severe systemic infections & meningitis caused by fungi such as Candida species; irrigant for bladder fungi infections; topically for cutaneous & mucocutaneous candidal infections
ampicillin (generic, 1999) penicillin; treats bacterial infections caused by streptococci, pneumococci, nonpenicillinase-producing staphylococci, Listeria, meningococci, H. influenzae, Salmonella, Shingella,
anaerobic living without oxygen
analgesic a compound which relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness
anastomosis surgical opening created between two normally separate organs or spaces
anchorage 1.operative fixation of loose or prolapsed abdominal or pelvic organs; 2.part to which anything is fastened. In dentistry, tooth or implanted tooth substitute which remains after denture, crown, or restoration
androgen agent, usu. a hormone (e.g., androsterone, testosterone) that stimulates activity of accessory male sex organs; natural androgens are steroids
androsterone steroid metabolite in male urine, having weak androgenic potency; formed in testes from progesterone
anemia any condition in which no. of RBCs per cubic mm, amt. of hemoglobin in 100 ml of blood, and/or vol. of packed RBCs per 100 ml of blood are less than normal; clinically, pert. to concent. of oxygen-transportating material in designated vol. of blood; freq. charact. by skin/mucous membrane pallor, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, soft systolic murmurs, lethargy, & fatigability
aneurysm abnormal widening of blood vessel; can lead to hemorrhage and stroke
aneurysmal pertaining to an aneurysm
angina severe, often constricting pain, usu. ref. to a. pectoris
angina pectoris severe constricting pain in chest, often radiating fm precordium to shoulder (usu. left) and down arm, due to ischemia of heart muscle usu. caused by coronary disease
angiodysplasia small vascular abnormality esp. of intestinal tract
angiodysplastic abnormal blood vessel building tissue (i.e., type of stomach lesion)
angiography radiographic visualization of blood vessels using a contrast medium
angiotensin polypeptide vasopressor hormone
anisicoria inequality of diameter of pupils
anisocytes found in unusual red blood cells
antecubital anterior to the elbow (cubitus)
anterior 1.front body surface, 2.situated nearer the front, 3.before, in relation to time and space
anteriorly pertaining to the front
anteroposterior from front to back of the body
antianginal preventing/alleviating angina
antiarrhythmic preventing cardiac arrhythmia
antibodies protein substances formed by lymphocytes, stimulated by presence of antibodies in body, helps neutralize or inactivate antigens
anticholingeric blocks passages of impulses through parasympathetic nervous system
antidiabetic preventing or alleviating diabetes
antidiarrheal agent opposing/correcting diarrhea
antiemetic preventing/alleviating nausea/vomiting
antiflatulents relieving/preventing flatulence
antifungal destructive to fungi or fungal infections
antigen foreign material in body causing an immune response by antibodies
antigenic having the properties of an antigen
antigenicity state of being antigenic
drug having action antagonistic to histamine or either H1 or H2 receptors; H1 antihistamines are used in treatment of allergy symptoms; H2 antihistamines reduce gastric acidity in ulcer disease and gastroesophageal reflux
antihypertensive prevent/alleviate hypertension
anti-inflammatories drugs, like glucocorticoids and aspirin, which reduce inflammation by acting on body responses without directly antagonizing causative agent
antikaliuretic agent does not promote the excretion of potassium in the urine
antiparkinsonian allev Parkinson's dis sympt
antral pertaining to an antrum (cavity or chamber)
antrum cavity or chamber
aorta large artery, main trunk of arterial system
aortogram radiographic record of aortography
aortography radiographic imaging of aorta & branches by injection of contrast medium
aperture an open gap or hole (syn. fossa)
aphakia absence of eye lens, usu. from cataract surgery
apraxia loss of ability to move purposefully (e.g. Parkinson's); not paralysis
arachnoidal relating to the arachnoid membrane
arachnoid membrane sheltering coverings of CNS, syn. cranial arachnoid mater
archwire wire device conforming to alveolar or dental arch, used as anchorage in correcting teeth position irregularities
arcuate shaped like an arc; arranged in arches
arrythmia variation of normal heartbeat rhythm
arteriogram radiograph of an artery after injection
arteriography radiography of arteries aft injection
arteriosclerotic pertaining to arteriosclerosis
arthralgia pain in a joint
arthralgias pain in joints
arthrocentesis puncture and aspiration of a joint
arthroplasty plastic surgery of a joint or joints
ascites accumulation of serous fluid in abdomen
astemizole (generic, 1999) antihistamine; for allergic rhinitis & other allergic symptoms including urticaria
astrocyte cells of nervous tissue performing metabolic functions in central/peripheral nervous syst
astrocytoma brain tumor composed of astrocytes
asymptomatic showing or causing no symptoms
atelectasis 1.incomplete expansion of lung; 2.lung collapse; 3.absence of air in normally air-filled space, i.e. middle ear
atenolol (generic, 1999) beta-andrenergic blocker; treatmt. of hypertension, alone or in comb. w/other agents; mgmt. of angina pectoris; antiarrhythmic; postmyocardial infarction patients; acute alcohol withdrawal
atheroma lipid deposits inside arteries - tumor
atherosclerosis arterial narrowing and fibrosis caused by lipid deposits
atherosclerotic relating/caused - atherosclerosis
atlanto the atlas vertabra that supports the skull
atraumatic not inflicting/causing damage or injury
atresia congenital absence- normal opening/lumen
atrial relating to an atrium (chamber/cavity)
atrophy wasting of tissues, organs, or entire body
autogenous 1.occurring naturally & normally in certain type of tissue/body structure, transplantation, ref. to graft in which donor & recipient areas are in same person, or blood donor has prev. donated & received back, usu. during surgery; 3.sometimes denotes neoplasm derived fm. cells occurring normally at that site
autologous occurring naturally and normally in certain type of tissue or body structure (i.e., graft)
autolysis 1.digestion of cells (esp. dead or degenerate) by enzymes within them (autogenous); 2.cell destruction as result of lysin formed in those cells or others in same organism
autonomic refers to the autonomic nervous system consisting of peripheral nerves which function involuntarily
axilla space below the shoulder joint (syn. armpit)
axillary relating to the axilla
axon microscopic fiber that carries nervous impulse along nerve cell
azoospermia absence of living sperm in semen
azotemia abnormal increase of urea or nitrogenous concentration in blood plasma
Babinski's type of neurological sign, reflexbr>
Bactrim (brand, 1999); sulfonamide; see co-trimoxazole
Beclovent Oral Inhaler (brand, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid; see beclomethasone
Betadine OTC/5% sterile ophthalmic prep solution (brand, 1999) antibacterial, topical; see povidone-iodine
Betadine First Aid Antiboitics & Moisturizer (OTC) (brand, 1999) antibiotic (ophthalmic/topical);
see bacitracin & polymyxin b
Bicillin C-R Injection (brand, 1999) penicillin;
see penicillin g benzathine and procaine combined
Bicillin L-A (br, '99) penicillin; see penicillin g benzathine
Burow's otic (brand, 1999) otic agent, anti-infective;
see aluminum acetate and acetic acid
b.i.d. twice a day
bacitracin & polymyxin b (generic, 1999) antibiotic (ophthalmic/topical); treats superficial infections involving conjunctiva &/or cornea; prev infection - minor cuts/scrapes/burns
bacteriolysis dissolution of bacteria, e.g., by enzymes, hypotonic solutions, or specific antibody & compliment
bacteriostatic inhibiting/retarding multiplication of bacteria
basilar refer. to base of a pyramidal or broad structure
basketing relating to treatment of a ureteral stone
basophil leukocyte (<1%); plays role in inflammation; stains blue; contains heparin
basopressin a receptor gene
basos basophils
beclomethasone (generic, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid;
oral inhalation: treats bronchial asthma
nasal aerosol: treats rhinitis and nasal polyposis
benign 1.mild character of illness, 2.nonmalignant character of neoplasm
benzodiazepine 1.parent compound for synthesis of psychoactive compounds; 2.class of compounds w/anti-anxiety, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, & skeletal muscle relaxant properties
benztropine (generic, 1999) anticholinergic agent; anti-Parkinson's agent; adjunctive treatment of parkinsonism; treats drug-induced extrapyramidial effects & acute dystonic reactions
betamethasone (generic, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid; corticosteroid, topical; anti-inflammatory; immunosupressant agent; corticosteroid replacement therapy.
Topical: Inflammatory dermatoses (psoriasis, seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, inflammatory phase of xerosis, late phase of allergic dermatitis or irritant dermatitis)
bethanechol (generic, 1999) cholinergic agent; treats nonobstructive urinary retention & retention due to neurogenic bladder; gastroesophageal reflux
bicuspid valve syn. mitral valve
biliary relating to bile or biliary tract
bilirubin yellow bile pigment formed from hemoglobin found in gallstones; assoc. w/ jaundice
bilobed having two lobes
bisacodyl (generic, 1999) laxative; treats constipation; colonic evacuation prior to procedures or examination
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelids
brachioradialis deep tendon reflex in triceps area
bradycardia slow heartbeat (usu. <50/min.)
bradykinesia decrease in spontaneity and movement (seen in Parkinson disease)
bronchiectasis chronic dilation of bronchi
bronchoalveolar relating to bronchus & alveolus
bronchodilator causing increase in caliber of bronchus (e.g. epinephrine, albuterol)
bronchospasm contracting bronchi muscle walls
bruit harsh, esp. abnorm, musical intrmtnt ausculatory sound
buccal pert. to, in dir. of, adj. to the cheek
Candida type of dermatological fungus
Capoten (brand, 1999) ACE inhibitor; see captopril
Carafate (brand, 1999) gastrointestinal agent, gastric or duodenal ulcer treatment; see sucralfate
Cardizem CD/Injectable/SR/Tablet (brand, 1999) calcium channel blocker; see diltiazem
Ceclor (brand, 1999) cephalosporin; see cefaclor
Cefobid (brand, 1999) cephalosporin; see cefoperazone
Chlamydia trachomatis STD bacterial infection
Clomid (brand, 1999) ovulation stimulator; see clomiphene
CNS central nervous system
Cogentin (brand, 1999) anticholinergic agent;
anti-Parkinson's agent; see benztropine
Colace OTC (brand, 1999) stool softener; see docusate
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cortef (brand, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid; corticosteroid, topical; see hydrocortisone
Coumadin (brand, 1999) anticoagulant; see warfarin
Cozaar (brand, 1999) angiotensin II antagonist; see losartan
Crohn's disease of gastrointestinal tract
Cytomel Oral (brand,'99) thyroid product; see liothyronine
cachectic suffering from cachexia
cachexia general weight loss and wasting due to chronic disease or emotional stress
calcaneal relating to calcaneus
calcaneus heel bone, largest of the tarsal bones
calcitonin hormone prod by thyroid,lowers blood calcium
calculus concretion formed in any part of body, commonly in passages of biliary & urinary tracts; usu. composed of salts of inorganic & organic acids or other material such as cholesterol
cannula tube inserted in body cavity- fluid transport
cannulate to introduce a cannula
canthi pl. of canthus
canthus angle (corner) of the eye
captopril (generic, 1999) ACE inhibitor; mgmt of hypertension & treatment of congestive heart failure
cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cardiomyopathy primary disease of myocardium in absence of known underlying etiology
cardioverted heart rhythm restored to normal by electric countershock or medications
cardioverter machine to perform cardioversions
carpus 1.syn. wrist; 2. syn. carpal bones
catabolism breaking down in body of complex chemical compounds into simpler ones, usu. with release of energy
catalyst substance that accelerates chemical reaction but is not consumed or changed permanently by it
catalyze to act as a catalyst
catecholamines hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline) secreted from adrenal medulla
cecal relating to the cecum of the large intestine
cecum part of large intestine between appendix and ileum of small intestine
cefaclor (generic, 1999) cephalosporin; treats infections caused by organisms (Staph aureus, S. pneumoniae, & H. influenzae); treatment of otitis media, sinusitis, & infections involving respiratory/urinary tract, skin, bone & joint
cefazolin (generic, 1999); cephalosporin; treats respiratory/urinary/biliary tract, skin, bone/joint infections
cefoperazone (generic, 1999); cephalosporin; treats bacterial infections, mainly respiratory/urinary tract, skin, sepsis; activity against gram-negative bacilli (e.g, E.coli, Klebsiella, Haemophilus)
cellulitis infection of subcutaneous tissue w/severe inflammation; face infection may spread to brain
cephalad in a direction towards the head
cephalosporin group of antibiotics, relatively penicillinase-resistant
cerebellopontine relating to cerebellum & pons
cerebrovascular relating to blood supply to brain
cerebrum largest part of the brain / 2 hemispheres
cerumen ear wax
chalazion cystic mass on the eyelid
cheilitis inflammation of the lips
chemosis corneal swelling fr edema of conjunctiva
chlamydial relating to or caused by any bacterium of the genus Chlamydia
chlorpheniramine, phenylephrine, and methscopolamine (generic, 1999) antihistamine/ decongestant/anticholinergic; relief of nasal congestion, runny nose, & sneezing
chlorpropamide (gen, '99) antidiabetic agent, oral; control blood sugar in adult onset, noninsulin-depend diabetes (type II)
cholangiogram radiographic record of bile ducts
cholangiography radiographic exam of bile ducts with contrast medium
cholecystectomy surgical removal of gallbladder
cholecystitis inflammation of gallbladder
choledochal relating to the common bile duct
cholelithiasis concretions in gallbladder/bile ducts
cholesteatoma cyst-like mass in mdl ear usu. fm otitis media
cholinergic relating to nerve cells or fibers that employ acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter
chondromalacia softening of any cartilage
chorion outer membrane surroundg devel embryo
chorionic relating to the chorion
cimetidine (generic, 1999) Histamine H2 Antagonist; short-term treatmt. of active duodenal ulcers & benign gastric ulcers; long-term prophylaxis of duodenal ulcer; gastric hypercsecretory states; gastroesophageal reflux
circumanal surrounding the anus (syn. perianal)
claudication intermittnt limping usu. w/o leg pain at rest
clavicle collar bone; connects breastbone to shoulder bone
clomiphene (generic, 1999) ovulation stimulator; treats ovulatory failure in patients desiring pregnancy
clonidine (generic, 1999) alpha-adrenergic agonist; mgmt of hypertension; aid in diagnosis of pheochromocytoma & growth hormone deficiency; orphan drug status for epidural use for pain control; used for heroin withdrawl & smoking cessation therapy
coarctation constriction, stricture, or stenosis
cocci plural of coccus
coccus (syn. cochineal) bacterium of round, spheroidal or oval form
colectomy excision of segment or all of colon
collagen fibrous protein in skin & connective tissue
colonic relating to the colon
colonoscopy visual exam of colon inner surface
colporrhaphy repair of vaginal rupture by excision and suturing of tear edges
colposcopy vagina & cervix exam w/endoscope (after abnormal Pap smear or as biopsy aid)
comedo primary lesion of acne vulgaris
concretion formation of solid material by a crowding mass of discrete units or particles
condyle rounded articular surface at bone extremity/joint
coneoscleral (ENT specialty)
conization excision of tissue cone (e.g. cervical biopsy)
conjunctiva mucous membrane on anterior surface of eyeball and posterior surface of eyelid
conjunctival relating to the conjunctiva
contracture static muscle shortening due to spasm, fibrosis, paralysis, motion loss of adjacent joint
contralateral relating to the opposite side
convex applied to surface that is evenly curved outward, as a segment of a sphere
cornea fibrous, transparent tissue extending over pupil and pigmented portion of eye; refracts incoming light
cortex outer portion of an organ, as distinguished from inner (medullary) portion
cortex of suprarenal gland outer part of adrenal gland
corticosteroid steroid produced by adrenal cortex
cortisol (syn. hydrocortisone) steroid hormone which regulates immune system; anti-inflammatory
costovertebral relating to ribs and bodies of thoracic vertabrae with which they connect
co-trimoxazole (generic,'99) sulfonamide; treats UTI from E. coli, Klebsiella, otitis media, chronic bronchitis, typhoid fever
creatinine waste product of muscle metabolism; nitrogenous
crepitus noisy gas discharge from intestine
crossmatching test for incompatibility between donor and blood recipient
cruciate shaped like/resembling a cross
cubitus elbow (syn. ulna)
curettage scraping, usu. of interior of cavity or tract, for removal of new growths or other abnormal tissues, or to obtain material for tissue diagnosis
cutaneous relating to the skin
cyanosis dark bluish/purplish skin & mucous membrane discoloration fm deficient blood oxygenation
cystadenoma cyst lined w/malignant tumor cells; freq. in ovaries
cystocele hernia of bladder, usu. into vagina & introitus
cystoscope lighted endoscope to exam bladder interior
cystoscopic type of evaluation w/cystoscope
cystoscopy inspection of bladder interior w/cystoscope
cytoplasm substance of a cell, exclusive of the nucleus
Dallergy (brand,1999) antihistamine, decongestant, anticholingeric; see chlorpheniramine, phenylephrine, and methscopolamine
Dalmane (brand,1999) benzodiazepine; see flurazepam
Danocrine (brand, 1999) androgen; see danazol
Darvocet-N (brand, '99) analgesic, narcotic;
see propoxyphene and acetaminophen
Darvon (-N) (brd, '99) analgesic, narcotic; see propoxyphene
D&C dilation and curettage
D.C. doctor of chiropractic
Decadron (-LA) (brand, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid;
see dexamethasone
Demulen (brand, 1999) contraceptive, oral;
see ethinyl estradiol and ethynodiol diacetate
Desyrel (br, '99) antidepressant, triazolopyridine; see trazodone
Dexon type of stitch (e.g. running 4-0 subcuticular)
Dextrostix a plastic stick with a chemically treated paper tip which changes color to correspond to various blood glucose levels
DiaBeta (brand, 1999) antidiabetic agent, oral; see glyburide
Diabinese (brand, 1999) antidiabetic agent, oral;
see chlorpropamide
Diamox (Sequels) (brand,1999) anticonvulsant; carbonic anhydrase inhibitor; see acetazolamide
Dilantin (brand, 1999) antiarrhythmic agent, hydantoin;
see phenytoin
Diprolene (brand, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid; corticosteroid, topical; see betamethasone
Donnatal (brand, 1999) anticholingeric agent;
see hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine, and phenobarbital
DTRs deep tendon reflexes
Dulcolax (OTC) (brand,1999) laxative; see bisacodyl
Duvoid (brand, 1999) cholinergic agent; see bethanechol
Dyazide (brand, 1999) antihypertensive agent;
see hydrochlorothiazide and triamterene
danazol (generic, 1999) androgen; treats endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, and hereditary angioedema
debridement excision of dead tissue & foreign matter from wound
decubitus 1.ulcerous bedsores, 2.postn of patient in bed
dehydrogenase class name for enzyme oxidizing reactant by catalyzing hydrogen removal from hydrogen donors & transferring to hydrogen acceptors
dermatologic relating to skin disease
dermatomyositis progressive cond. of muscular weakness & inflammation; purplish-red skin rash; may be assoc. w/cancer of vital organs in adults
dermis layer of skin below epidermis; composed of blood/lymph vessels & nerve fibers, hair follicles, sweat/sebaceous glands; contains connective tissue cells & fibers accounting for elasticity of skin (syn. corium)
desipramine (generic, 1999) antidepressant, tricyclic; treatmt. of various forms of depression, often in conjunction with psychotherapy; analgesic in chronic pain, peripheral neuropathies
detrusor muscle that has action of expelling a substance
dexamethasone (generic, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid; systemically/locally for chronic inflammation, allergic hematologic, neoplastic & autoimmune diseases; may be used in mgmt of cerebral edema, septic shock, and as diagnostic agent
diaphoresis perspiration
diaphoretic 1.relating to or causing perspiration; 2.agent that increases perspiration
differentiated having different function/character from surrounding structures or original type; said of tissues, cells
digoxin (generic, 1999) antiarrhythmic agent, misc.; cardiac glycoside; treats congestive heart failure; slows ventricular rate in tachyarrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, supraventricular tachycardia
dilatation see dilation
dilation 1.physiologic or artificial enlargement of a hollow structure or opening; 2.act of stretching/enlarging an opening or lumen of a hollow structure
diltiazem (generic, 1999) calcium channel blocker
Oral: Treats hypertension and angina
Injection: Treats atrial fibrillation/flutter; PSVT
disequilibrium disturbance/absence of being evenly balanced
distal 1.situated away from center of body; specifically, distant part of limb or organ; dentistry, away fm median sagittal plane of face, following curvature of dental arch
diverticulitis inflammation of diverticulum, esp. small pockets in colon wall which fill w/stagnant fecal material and become inflamed
diverticulum abnormal side pocket -intestinal wall
docusate (generic, 1999) stool softener; for patients who should avoid straining during defacation & constipation associated with hard, dry stools
dorsalis posterior/backside
dorsalis pedis back of the feet (pulse felt here)
dorsiflexion upward extension of foot/toes or hand/fingers
dorsum 1. back of the body; 2. upper or posterior surface, or back, of any part
doxycycline (generic, 1999) tetracycline derivative;
Children, adolescents & adults: treats Rocky Mtn spotted fever caused by Rickettsia or brucellosis
Older children, adolescents & adults: treats Lyme disease, mycoplasmal disease, or Legionella; mgmt of malignant pleural effusions when intrapleural therapy is indicated
Adolescents & adults: treats nongonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease and urethritis due to Chlamydia
ductus canal to secrete fluid from gland or organ
duodenitis inflammation of the duodenum
duodenum first division of small intestine
dyskeratosis premature keratinization of individual epithelial cells
dyskeratotic relating to dyskeratosis
dysmenorrhea difficult/painful menstruation (syn. menorrhalgia)
dyspareunia pain during sexual intercourse
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
dyspnea shortness of breath/breathing distress, usu. assoc. w/ heart or lung disease; normal condition at high altitude or during intense physical exertion
dyspneic out of breath (suffering dyspnea)
dysuria difficulty or pain in urination
E. coli
Ecotrin analgesic; treats pain, inflammation, fever, prev. of myocardial infarction and TIA (brand, 1999)
E. faecalis
Ellestad treadmill stress test protocol
Estrovis hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal disorders (discontinued 1996)
EtOH ethyl alcohol (syn. alcohol)
Extentabs time-release tablet
ecchymosis purplish patch >3mm diam. (smaller is petechiae); caused by blood exuding into the skin
ecchymoses pl. of ecchymosis
ectopic 1.pregnancy outside of uterine cavity; 2.organ out of place; 3.heartbeat origin -abnormal node
ectopy syn. ectopia; congenital displacement of organ
efferent conducting fluid or nerve impulse outward from organ or part thereof (e.g., e. connections of group of nerve cells, e. blood vessels, or excretory duct of an organ)
electrocardiograph record of electricity flowing thru heart
electrocardiography (EKG, ECG) process of recording electricity flowing through the heart
electrocautery instrument to burn a local area of tissue; used to treat rectum and colon tumors
electrocoagulated clotting caused by electrocautery
electroencephalogram (EEG) record obtained by electroencephalograph
electroencephalograph system to record electric potentials of the brain from electrodes attached to the scalp
electronystagmogram record obtained by electronystagmography
electronystagmography (ENG) method of nystagmography based on electrooculography; skin electrodes placed at outer canthi to register horizontal nystagmus; above/below eyes for vertical nystagmus
electrooculography (EOG) oculography to measure changes btw front & back of eyeball; electrical test for retinal dysfunction
emboli pl. of embolus
embolism obstruction/occlusion of vessel by embolus
embolus plug of detached thrombus, mass of bacteria, or other foreign body, occluding a vessel
embryo 1.organism in early stages of development; 2.pre-fetus from conception to approx. end of 2nd month
embryonic of/pertaining to/or in condition of an embryo
empyema pus in a body cavity, esp. pleural
encephalomalacia abnormal softness of the cerebral parenchyma often due to ischemia or infarction
encephalopathy any disorder of the brain
endarterectomy surgical removal of innermost lining of artery when thickened by atheromas
endocarditis inflammation of the endocardium
endocardium smooth layer of endothelial cells lining the interior of the heart
endolymphatic duct small membranous canal, connecting w/saccule & utricle of membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
endometrial pertaining to the endometrium
endometritis inflammation of the endometrium
endometrium mucous membrane comprising the inner layer of the uterine wall
endoplasmic reticulum network of canals within the cell where proteins are manufactured for cell's use
endoscope instrument to examine a canal; a flexible endoscope transmits light and images
endoscopy exam w/endoscope of canal, etc.
endothelial relating to the endothelium
endothelium layer of flat cells lining esp. blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart
endotracheal within the trachea
endotracheal tube flexible tube inserted nasally, orally, or through a tracheotomy into trachea to provide airway, as in tracheal intubation
enzyme chemical - speeds up reaction btw substances
eos eosinophils
eosinophil leukocyke (3%), elevated in allergic conditions such as asthma; granules stain red
epicutaneous method of admin. allergy tests via skin
epidermis thick, outermost layer of skin
epididymis tube at upper back part of each testis; transports, stores & matures sperm btw testis & ductus
epigastric region upr middle region above stomach
epigastrium syn. epigastric region
epilepticus (status e.) repeated seizure or seizure prolonged for 30+min.
episiotomy surgical incision into vulva to prevent laceration during delivery or facilitate vaginal surgery
epispadias malformation where urethra opens in dorsum of penis; freq. assoc. w/exstrophy of bladder
epistaxis nosebleed
epithelial relating to the epithelium
epithelium layer of skin cells forming the outer and inner surfaces of the body
erythema redness due to capillary dilation
erythematosus (lupus e.) illness that may be chronic (characterized by skin lesions alone), subacute (recurring superficial nonscarring skin lesions), or systemic or disseminated (antinuclear antibodies present and usu. involvement of vital structures)
erythematous relating to/marked by erythema
erythrocyte mature red blood cell
esophagitis inflammation of the esophagus
esophagogastrectomy surgical removal of part of lwr esophagus and proximal stomach
esophagogastric (e. junction) terminal end of esophagus and beginning of stomach at sphincter
esophagus part of digestive canal btw pharynx and stomach
esotropia form of strabismus where visual axes converge (syn. convergent squint)
estradiol estrogen derivative; treats vaginitis, menopausal sympt., female hypogonadism (gen. '99)
estrogens, conjugated (generic, 1999) estrogen derivative; for dysfunctional uterine bleeding, atrophic vaginitis, hypogonadism, vasomotor symptoms of menopause
ethinyl estradiol & ethynodiol diacetate (gen, '99) contraceptive, oral; prevention of pregnancy; treats hypermenorrhea, endometriosis, female hypogonadism
ethinyl estradiol & norethindrone (generic, 1999) contraceptive, oral; prevention of pregnancy; treatment of hypermenorrhea, endometriosis, female hypogonadism
etiology science & study of the cause of disease
eversion a turning outward, as of eyelid or foot
exanthema skin eruption occurring as symptom of acute viral or coccal disease as in measles
exanthematous relating to an exanthema
excision 1.surgical removal of part or all of a structure or organ (syn. resection); molecular biology, a recombination event in which a genetic element is removed
exenteration removal of internal organs and tissues, usu. radical removal of body cavity contents
exophthalmos protrusion of one or both eyeballs; can be congenital or fm retroorbital tumor or thyroid dis.; syn. proptosis
exostosis bony growth arising from bone surface
exotropia strabismus where visual axes diverge (syn. wall-eye)
exstrophy congenital eversion of a hollow organ
extraocular adjacent to but outside the eyeball
extubated having removed a tube
exudates fluid that has exuded out of tissue or capillaries because of injury or inflammation
Fallot (see tetralogy of Fallot)
Feldene analgesic; NSAID; treats rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sunburn, dysmenorrhea (br. '99)
Flagyl amebicide; antibiotic, topical; treats anaerobic intra-abdominal bacterial infections (br. '99)
Flexeril skeletal muscle relaxant (brand, 1999)
Florinef Acetate adrenal corticosteroid; treats Addison's dis., adrenal insufficiency (brand, 1999)
fecalith hard mass of condensed feces
femur long bone of the thigh
fibroblast star/spindle-shaped cell w/cellular processes in connective tissue, capable of forming collagen fibers
fibrocystic pert to/charact by presence of fibrocysts
fibromyalgia syndrome of chronic pain of musculoskeletal origin but uncertain cause
fibrosis formation of fibrous tissue as mending or reactive process
fibrous composed of/containing fibroblasts
fissure 1.deep furrow, cleft, or slit; dentistry, a developmental break or fault in the tooth enamel
fistula abnormal (tube-like) passageway btw two epithelial surfaces
fistulotomy surgical excision of a fistula
flatulence excessive gas in stomach & intestines
fluorescein nontoxic, water-soluble indicator used diagnostically to trace water flow
fluorescein sodium diagnostic agent; used in ophthalmic angiography (generic, 1999)
flurazepam (generic, 1999) benzodiazepine; short-term treatment of insomnia
foci pl. of focus
focus 1.point where light rays meet after passing through lens, point of a disease process
fontanelle one of several membranous junctions at infant's cranial bones
foramen aperture or perforation through bone or membranous structure
foramina pl. of foramen
fossa depression (usu. longitudinal) below the surface of a part (e.g., shallow cavity in a bone)
fossae pl. of fossa
fundi pl. of fundus
fundus bottom or lowest part of sac or hollow organ
funduscope device for studying the interior of the eyeball through the pupil (syn. ophthalmoscope)
funduscopic pert. to funduscope/ophthalmoscope
furosemide diuretic, loop; mgmt. of edema assoc. w/congestive heart failure & hepatic/renal dis.; comb. w/antihypertensives (generic, 1999)
Gelfoam type of sponge
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
Glucotrol antidiabetic agent - diabetes mellitus (type II) (brand, 1999)
Gram-negative inability of bacterium to resist decolorization w/alcohol after treatment w/Gram crystal violet stain. Usu. means outer bacterium is inner membrane surrounded by thin amino acid layer, then outer layer.
Gram-positive ability of bacterium to resist decolorization w/alcohol after treatmt w/Gram crystal violet stain. Usu. means outer bacterium is inner membrane surrounded by thick/rigid bacterial wall of amino acid layer
gamete sex cell (ovum or spermatozoon)
gametogenesis formation/develpmt of gametes
gamma globulin protein group containing antibodies (also alpha and beta globulin)
gastric relating to the stomach
gastrin hormone secreted by gastrointestinal tract
gastroduodenal rel. to stomach and duodenum
gastroenterologist specialist in gastroenterology
gastroenterology medical specialty of gastrointestinal tract function/diseases
gastroesophageal rel to stomach & esophagus
gastrojejunostomy estab. of direct communication btw stomach & jejunum (syn gastronesteostomy)
gastroscopy inspection of stomach interior w/endoscope
gastrostomy establish. of new opening into stomach
genitourinary rel. to organs of reproduction & urination (syn. urogenital)
gentamicin antibiotic (ophthalmic/topical); treats gram-negative/positive bacterial infections (generic '99)
genu 1.knee (place of jointing btw thigh & leg); 2.any angular shaped structure resembling flexed knee
genus group of species alike in broad features but different in detail, incapable of fertile mating
glenoid resembling a socket
glioblastoma multiforme malignant glioma (form of astrocytoma), occurring most freq. in cerebrum of adults
glioma any neoplasm derived from cell forming interstitial tissue of the brain, spinal cord, pineal gland, posterior pituitary gland, and retina
globin (alpha & beta) the protein of hemoglobin
glucocorticoid steroid-like compound capable of exerting clinically useful anti-inflammatory effect; promotes glycogen deposition in the liver (syn. glycocorticoid)
glucose blood sugar; principle energy source for body tissue (normal concentration 70-110 mg/100 mL); appears in urine in diabetes mellitus
glutinous sticky
glyburide (generic, 1999) antidiabetic agent, oral; mgmt of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type II)
glycogen excess sugar stored as starch in liver and muscle cells; readily converted back to glucose
gonad organ that produces sex cells (testis/ovary)
graft 1.any tissue or organ for transplantation; transplant such structures
granular 1.composed of/resembling granules; 2.particles w/strong affinity for nuclear stains, seen in many bacterial species
granulocyte mature granular leukocyte
gravida a pregnant woman by no. of pregnancies
griseofulvin antifungal agent; treats tinea infections of skin, hair, nails (generic, 1999)
guaiac reagent in testing for occult blood (in stool)
gynecomastia excessve developmt of male mammary glands
Haemophilus genus of aerobic to aneaerobic, nonmotile bacteria containing Gram-negative cells. Organisms are strictly parasitic, growing best/only on media containing blood. They occur in lesions, secretions and respiratory tracts.
Hb hemoglobin
Heineke-Mikulicz type of pyloroplasty
Hemoccult test looks for blood in feces; a screening for colon cancer (syn. stool guaiac)
Hibiclens type of soak for use in dermatology
H. influenzae
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor
Holter monitor compact version of an electrocardiograph, worn during 24-hr period to detect cardiac arrhythmias
Homans dorsiflexed (w/knee bent); indicative of incipient or established thrombosis in the veins of the leg
Humulin antidiabetic agent, parenteral; trts insulin dependent & non-insulin dep diabetes mellitus
h.s. at bedtime (before sleep)
hemarthrosis blood in a joint
hematemesis vomiting of blood
hematochezia passage of bloody stools (bright red blood found in feces)
hematocrit (Hct) % of red blood cells in a unit of blood
hematoma mass/collection of blood; occurs when blood is lost from blood vessels & collects as clotted blood in a cavity or organ or under the skin
hematuria blood or red blood cells in the urine
heme iron-containing, oxygen-carrying pigment of hemoglobin
hemianopsia (syn. hemianopsia) loss of vision for one half of the visual field of one or both eyes
hemicolectomy surgicl rem of right or left side of colon
hemiparesis weakness affecting one side of body
hemoconcentration decrease in volume of plasma in relation to no. of red blood cells; increase in concentration of red blood cells in the circulating blood
hemoglobin (Hb) protein in erythrocytes that carries oxygen through the bloodstream (4% heme, 96% globin)
hemogram complete detailed record of findings in thorough exam of blood, esp. w/ref to numbers, proportions & morphologic features of formed elements
hemolysis alteration/destruct of RBC where Hb released
hemopoietic pert/relating to formation of blood cells
hemoptysis spitting of blood fm. lungs or bronchial tubes; result of pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage
hemorrhage escape of blood from intravascular space
hemorrhoid swollen, twisted varicose vein in rectal region causing painful swelling of the anus
hemorrhoidal relating to hemorrhoids
hemorrhoidectomy surgical removal of hemorrhoids
hemostasis stoppage of blood flow naturally by clotting or artificially by compression
heparin anticoagulant principle component of various tissues (esp. liver & lung) and mast cells
heparin (generic, 1999) anticoagulant; prophylaxis & treatment of thromboembolic disorders
hepatocytes parenchymal liver cells
hepatomegaly enlargement of the liver
hepatosplenomegaly enlargement of liver & spleen
hernia protrusion of organ or muscular wall of organ through cavity which contains it
herniation protrusion of anatomic structure from its normal position
herniorrhaphy surgical repair of hernia
herpes inflammatory skin disease caused by herpes simplex virus or varicella-zoster virus
herpes simplex variety of infections caused by herpesvirus; marked by eruption of vesicles on vermillion border of lips or at external nares, lesions on genitalis; virus may be latent and may not be expressed for years
herpes zoster infection caused by herpesvirus; charact. by eruption of groups of vesicles on one side of body and shingles; virus may be latent for years following primary chickenpox infection
herpesvirus any virus belonging to family Herpesviridae
hiatal hernia protrusion of part of stomach through esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm
hiatus opening, aperture, or foramen
hirsutism excessive body & facial hair, usu. in male pattern, esp. in women
histamine a powerful stimulant of gastric secetion, a constrictor of the bronchial smooth muscle, and vasodilator of capillaries and arterioles causing a fall in blood pressure. Histamine (or a similar substance) is found in the skin after an injury.
humerus upr arm bone, joins w/scapula & clavicle
hytantoin derived from urea or allantoin
hydantoins a class of anticonvultants (gen. 2003)
hydrocele sac of clear fluid in the scrotum
hydrochlorothiazide diuretic; treats hypertension; edema in cong. heart failure (gen 1999)
hydrochlorothiazide & triamterene (generic, 1999) antihypertensive agent, combination; mgmt of mild to moderate hypertension; treatment of edema in congestive heart failure & nephrotic syndrome
hydrocortisone (generic, 1999) adrenal corticosteroid; corticosteroid, topical; mgmt of adrenocortical insufficiency; relief of inflammation of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses; adjunctive treatment of ulcerative colitis
hydromas cystic swellings containing serous fluid
hydrops excessive accumulation of clear, watery fluid in any of the tissues or cavities of body (syn. ascites, edema)
hydroxyzine (generic 1999) antiemetic, antihistamine; treats anxiety; preoperative sedative; antipruritic; antiemetic
hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine, and phenobarbital (generic, 1999) anticholinergic agent; adjunct in treatment of peptic ulcer disease, irritable bowel, spastic colitis, spastic bladder, and renal colic
hyperbaric 1.pressure of ambient gases >1 atmosphere; denser than dilutent or medium
hyperbilirubinemia abnormally large amount of bilirubin in circulating blood; poss. icterus or jaundice
hypercalcemia abnormally high concentration of calcium compounds in circulating blood
hypercholesterolemia abnormally large amount of cholesterol in the blood
hyperkalemia greater than normal amount of potassium ions in circulating blood
hyperkeratosis thickening of horny layer of epidermis or mucous membrane
hyperkinesia 1.excessive motility; 2.excessive muscular activity
hyperkinesis see hyperkinesia
hyperlipidemia abnormally high concentration of lipids in the circulating blood (syn. lipemia)
hypermenorrhea excesvly prolonged/profuse menses
hyperopia farsightedness (syn. hypermetropia) where parallel rays of light tend to focus behind retina
hyperparathyroidism excessive production of parathormone, causing hypercalcemia. Bones are decalcified & may fracture and form cysts.
hyperplasia increase in no. of normal cells in tissue or organ, excluding tumor formation, where bulk of part of organ may be increased
hypersecretory state
hypertension high blood pressure
hypertensive 1.marked by increase in blood pressure; 2.person suffering high blood pressure
hypertrophy general increase in bulk of a part or organ, not due to tumor formation.
hypertropia one eye higher than the other
hypha (syn. mycelium) branching tubular cell characteristic of filamentous fungus (mold)
hyphae pl. of hypha
hypocalcemia abnormally low levels of calcium in circulating blood
hypofunctioning reduced/low/inadequate functioning
hypoglycemia 1.autonomic symptoms (sweating, trembling, warmth, anxiety, nausea) and neuroglycopenic symptoms (dizziness, confusion, tiredness, difficulty speaking, headache, inability to concentrate) resulting from low blood glucose; complication of too much insulin
hypogonadism inadequate gonadal function, inadequate secretion of gonadal hormones or deficiencies in gametogenesis
hypokalemia abnormally small concentration of potassium ions in circulating blood
hypokinesia diminished or slow movement
hypokinesis see hypokinesia
hyponatremia abnormally low concentrations of sodium ions in circulating blood
hypophysis syn. pituitary gland
hypopituitarism condition due to diminished activity of anterior lobe of the hypophysis w/inadequate secretion of one or more anterior pituitary hormones; causes pituitary dwarfism in children
hyposthenuria urine excretion of low specific gravity because kidneys can not produce concentrated urine; also occurs after excessive water ingestion in diabetes insipidus
hypotension subnormal arterial blood pressure
hypotensive characterized by low blood pressure or causing reduction in blood pressure
hypothyroidism diminished production of thyroid hormone, leading to clinical manifest. of thyroid insufficiency (low metabolic rate, weight gain, somnolence, myxedema)
hypotonic 1.having lesser degree of tension; 2.having lesser osmotic pressure than reference solution (usu. blood plasma or interstitial fluid); refers to fluid where cells would swell
IgA immuniglobulin A found in breast milk, saliva, tears, and respiratory mucus
IgG immunoglobulin G found in plasma
IgM, IgD, IgE immunoglobulins M, D, and E
I.V. intravenous, intravenously
Inderal antiarrhythmic agent, beta-adrenergic blocker; manage hypertension, angina pectoris - prev. myocardial infarction, migraine headache (brand 1999)
Infatabs chewable tablets w/pediatric-size drug dosage
iatrogenic unexpected (negative) side effect(s) produced by treatment of the physician
icterohemorrhagic fever infection w/variety of Leptospira interrogans serotype charact. by fever, jaundice, hemorrhagic lesions, azotemia, and CNS manifestations
icterus see jaundice
ileostomy surgically create a fistula through which the ileum discharges directly to the outside of the body
ileum longest (12 ft.) part of small intestine; btw jejunum of sm intestine and cecum of lg intestine
ileus intestinal obstruction of bowel; etiology may be tumor, failure of peristalsis, or abnormal twisting of intestine; often accompanied by fever and dehydration
iliac relating to the ilium
ilioinguinal relating to the iliac region & the groin
iliotibial relating to the ilium and the tibia
ilium broad, flaring, uppermost & largest part of hip bone
immune from possibility of acquiring infectious disease, 2. sensitization by previous antigen contact so future contact yields quick response
immunoglobulin (Ig) class of protein; gamma globulin capable of acting as antibody
immunosuppression prevention/interference w/developmt of immunologic response; may be caused by chemical, biological, physical agents, or disease
immunotherapy therapeutic administration of serum containing performed antibodies produced by another individual; includes nonspecific systemic stimulation, adjuvants, active specific i. and adoptive i.
implantable material to be grafted or inserted
incision a cut, surgical wound, division of soft parts usu. made w/knife
incisional hernia hernia though surgical incision or scar
indurated hardened, usu. ref. to soft tissues
induration 1.process of becoming extremely firm or hard, 2.region of indurated tissue (syn. sclerosis)
infarction sudden insufficiency of arterial or venous blood supply in any organ due to emboli, thrombi, mechanical factors, or pressure; causes area of dead tissue
ingravescent of increasing severity
insomnia inability to sleep (without external interference)
inspiratory relating to or timed during inhalation
integumental see integumentary
integumentary protective system of enveloping membrane of the body (skin, hair, nails; sebaceous and sweat glands); studied in dermatology
intercostal between the ribs
interdigital between the fingers or toes
interphalangeal btw two phalanges (finger/toe joints)
interstitial 1.rel to spaces in any structure; 2.rel. to spaces within tissue or organ, excluding body cavities or potential space
intima innermost
intimal relating to the intima or inner coat of a vessel
intracranial within the skull
intracutaneous within substance of skin, partic. dermis
intradermal syn. intracutaneous
intramuscular within the substance of a muscle
intraocular within the eyeball
intrathecal 1.within a sheath; 2.within either the subarachnoid or the subdural space
intravascular within blood vessels or lymphatics
introitus entrance into a canal or hollow organ (e.g., vaginal i. or i. facial canal)
intubation insertion of tubular device into canal, hollow organ, cavity; specifically, passage of oro- or nasotracheal tube for anesthesia or control of pulmonary ventilation
intussusception 1.taking up or receiving one part within another, esp. telescoping of intestine in children, 2.process of incorporating new material in cell wall growth
iridectomy 1.surgical excision of part of iris; 2.hole in iris caused by surgical iridectomy
iris pigmented part of front of eye; contains blood vessels supplying nutrients; muscles contract and expand to regulate amount of light allowed into pupil
ischemia local anemia due to decrease in blood flow caused mainly by arterial narrowing or disruption
ischemic related to/affected by ischemia
isoenzymes one of a group of enzymes that catalyze same reaction but may be differentiated by varieties of physical properties
isoprene basis for formation of isoprenoids (fat-soluble vitamins)
isoprenoids polymer (e.g., carotene, lycopene, vitamin A)
isotretinoin retinoic acid derivative; treats recalcitrant cystic and/or conglobate acne (generic, 1999)
jaundice yellow-orange skin coloration & other tissues due to high concentration of bilirubin in blood (syn. icterus); can occur from 1.malfunction of hepatocytes from liver disease, 2.obstruction of bile flow prevents bilirubin excretion, 3.excessive erythrocyte destruction in hemolysis causes excess bilirubin in blood
jawline pert. to line of bone where bottom teeth are set
jugulodigastric relating to the throat, neck, or jugular vein(s) and a muscle with two fleshy parts separated by intervening tendinous part
junctional pertaining to point, line, or surface of union of two parts - mainly bones or cartilages
Kaposi's sarcoma multifocal malignant (cancerous) neoplasm occurring in skin & sometimes in lymph nodes or viscera; clinically appears in cutaneous lesions of reddish-purple to dark-blue macules, plaques or nodules; seen in men >60yrs. and in AIDS patients as disease assoc. w/herpes virus 8 infection
Kayexalate antidote; treats hyperkalemia (brand 1999)
KCl (brand, 1999) electrolyte supplement;
see potassium chloride
Keflex cephalosporin; treats bacterial infections (Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli); respiratory tract, skin, bone, genitourinary tract, and otitis media (brand, 1999)
Kefzol (brand, 1999) cephalosporin; see cefazolin
Kenalog adrenal corticosteroid; for severe inflammation or immunosuppression, nasal spray for allergic rhinitis (brand, 1999)
Kernig's sign when subject is supine and thigh is flexed to a right angle w/axis of trunk, complete extension of leg on the thigh is impossible; present in forms of meningitis
Klebsiella genus of nonmotile, nonsporeforming bacteria, containing Gram-negative rods; occur in respiratory, intestinal, & urogenigal tracts of humans as well as soil, water & grain (species K. pneumoniae)
Komed lotion- topical acne (brand-discontinued)
Kwell cream/lotion/shampoo (brand-discontinued)
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
keratoplasty surgical modification of the cornea
ketoacidosis acidosis, as in diabetes or starvation, caused by enhanced production of ketone bodies
ketoconazole antifungal agent (generic, 1999)
ketones (ketone bodies) measured in urinalysis; are breakdown products from fat catabolism in cells; accumulates in large quantities in blood/urine in diabetes mellitus or starvation causing acidosis which may lead to unconsciousness and death
kyphoscoliosis lateral & posterior curvature of spine; severe congestive heart failure can be late complication
kyphosis 1.anteriorly concave curvature of vertebral column; 2.forward curvature of the spine
kyphotic relating to/suffering from kyphosis
Lanoxin antiarrhythmic agent; (brd 1999) see digoxin
Lasix diuretic, loop (brand 99) see furosemide
Leptospira genus of motile aerobic bacteria, assoc. with icterohemorragic fever
Lomotil antidiarrheal (brand, 1999)
Lopressor treats hypertension and angina pectoris, prevents myocardial infarction (brand, 1999)
Ludiomil antidepressant; tr. depressn/anxiety (brand 1999)
Lyme disease recurrent non-malignant inflammatory disorder marked by severe arthritis, myalgia, malaise, neurologic & cardiac symptoms; caused by infection by nonpyogenic spirochete bacterium carried by ticks in U.S.
labia pl. of labium
labium 1.lip; 2.any lip-shaped structure
lacrimal relating to tears, their secretion, the secretory glands, and the drainage apparatus
lamella 1.thin sheet or layer (e.g. compact bone) or sublayer; 2.preparation of medicated gelatin disk for local application to the conjunctiva in place of solutions
lamellae pl. of lamella
lamina syn. plate (part of vertebral arch)
laparoscope endoscope to exam peritoneal cavity
laparoscopy exam of contents of abdominopelvic cavity with laparoscope passed through abdominal wall
laparotomy surgical incision into the loin
laryngotracheal relating to the larynx and trachea
larynx organ of voice production; part of respiratory tract btw pharynx and trachea
latent dormant, but potentially discernable
leiomyoma benign neoplasm derived fm smooth muscle
lensectomy surgical removal of eye lens
lesion 1.wound or injury, 2.pathologic change in tissues, individual point or patch of a multifocal disease
leukemia excessive increase in cancerous WBCs; disease of bone marrow w/malignant abnormal leukocytes in organs, hemopoietic tissues, filling marrow & bloodstream; sympt of acute leukemia incl severe anemia, hemorrhages; chronic leukemia symptoms anemia or enlargmt of spleen, liver, or lymph nodes (syn. leukocytic sarcoma)
leukemic pert to/ having charact. of any form of leukemia
leukocyte white blood cell (main types: basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils) helps the body fight disease
leukocytopenia see leukopenia
leukopenia total # of leukocytes in circulating blood is less than normal (less than 4000-5000/cubic millimeter)
levodopa & carbidopa (generic, 1999) anti-Parkinsons agent; dopaminergic agent (antiparkinsons); treatment of Parkinsonian syndrome
lichen simplex chronicus thickened area of itching skin from rubbing & scratching
lichenified skin is indurated and thinkened with hyperkeratosis by scratching
ligament of fibrous tissue connecting two or more bones, cartilages, or other structures; 2.fold of peritoneum supporting abdominal viscera; 3.stucture resembling l. but not performing l. function; 4.cordlike remains of fetal vessel or other structure that has lost its original lumen
ligated having had the application of a ligature
ligation 1.application of a ligature; 2.act of binding
ligature 1.thread or wire tied tightly around blood vessel, pedicle of a tumor, or other structure, to constrict it; orthodontics, a wire or other material to secure orthodontic attachment or tooth to archwire
liothyronine (generic, 1999) thyroid product; replacement or supplemental therapy in hypothyroidism, mgmt of nontoxic goiter, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, adjunct in thyrotoxicosis and as diagnostic aid; recommended for chronic therapy
lipid fatty substance found in foods and in the body
lipoprotein complex/compound containing lipid & protein
lithotomy cutting operation for the removal of calculus, esp. a vesical calculus
lithotripsy crushing of a stone in renal pelvis, ureter, or bladder by mechanical force or focused sound energy
lobe 1.subdivision of an organ or other part, bounded by fissures, sulci, connective tissue septa, or other structural demarcations; 2.rounded projecting part; 3.larger divisions of crown of tooth
lobectomy surgical excision of lobe of organ or gland
lobulated divided into lobules
lobule a small lobe or division of a lobe (syn. lobulus)
loculated undergone process resulting in formation of a loculus or loculi
loculi pl. of loculus
loculus a small cavity or chamber
loin part of side & back btw. ribs & pelvis (syn. lumbus)
long-leg immobilizer equip. used in orthopedic field
lordosis anteriorly convex curvature of cervical segment of vertebral column (syn. hollow back)
losartan (generic, 1999) angiotensin II antagonist; treats hypertension alone or in combination w/other hypertensives
lumbosacral rel. to lumbar vertebrae and sacrum
lumen in interior of tubular structure (e.g., artery or intestine), 2.(lm) unit of luminous flux, 3.volume enclosed within membranes of mitochondrion or endoplasmic reticulum, 4.bore of a catheter or hollow needle
lymph clear, transparent, sometimes faintly yellow fluid collected from tissues throughout body, flows in lymphatic vessels through lymph nodes, and eventually added to venous blood circulation; consists of clear liquid, WBCs (mainly lymphocytes), and RBCs
lymphadenitis inflamm. of lymph node or lymph nodes
lymphadenopathy any disease process affecting a lymph node or lymph nodes
lymphedema swelling (esp. in subcutaneous tissues) as result of obstruction of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes & accumulation of large amounts of lymph in affected region
lymph node stationary, round/oval mass of lymph tissue along lymph vessels; one side through which blood vessels enter and efferent lymphatic vessels emerge
lymphs lymphocytes
lymphocyte WBC formed in lymphatic tissue throughout body (eg, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils); make up apprx. 22-28% of ttl# of leukocytes in normal adults
lysin 1.antibody that acts destructively on cells & tissues; 2.any substance that causes lysis
lysis 1.destruction of RBCs, bacteria, other structures by a specific lysin, usu. referred to by structure destroyed (e.g., hemolysis, bacteriolysis, nephrolysis)
McBurney's sign seen in appendicitis; tenderness at site two-thirds distance btw umbilicus & anterior-superior iliac spine
MCL midclavicular line
Mefoxin cephalosporin; treats lower respiratory tract, skin, bone/joint, genitourinary tract, sepsis, gynecologic, and intra-abdominal infections (brand 99)
Mellaril phenothiazine derivative; mgmt. of psychotic disorder, depressive neurosis, dementia in elderly, severe behavioral problems in children (brd 1999)
Meniere's disease charact. by vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, & progressive hearing loss due to hydrops of the endolymphatic duct of the inner ear
Mevacor HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor; adjunct to dietary therapy to decrease elevated serum total & LDL cholesterol in primary hypercholesterolemia (brand 1999)
MI myocardial infarction
Micronase (brand, 1999) antidiabetic agent, oral; see glyburide
Moduretic diuretic, combination; antikaliuretic, antihypertensive (brand, 1999)
Monocid cephalosporin; treats bacterial infection of respiratory tract, skin, bone/joint, urinary tract and gynecologic as well as septicemia (brand, 1999)
Mycobacterium genus of aerobic, nonmotile bacteria containing Gram-positive rods. Species (M. tuberculosis) assoc. w/infections in immunocompromised people, esp. those w/AIDS
Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterial species that causes tuberculosis in humans
Mylicon antiflatulent; (brand 1999 of simethicone)
macula see macule
macule discolored (often reddened) flat lesion (e.g. freckles, tattoo marks, flat moles)
malignant 1.resistant to treatmt; occurg in severe form; freq. fatal; tending to become worse; leading to ingravescent course; 2.locally invasive neoplasm w/ destructive growth & metastasis
malrotation failure during embryonic development of normal rotation of all or part of organ or system (i.e. embryonic digestive system)
mandibular relating to the lower jaw
mast cell
mastoiditis inflammation of any part of mastoid process
mastoid process round process of temporal bone behind ear
mater sheltering coverings of CNS
mEq milliequivalent
median 1.central, middle, lying in midline; 2.middle value in set of measurements; mean measure of ctrl tendency
mediastinoscopy endoscopic exam of mediastinum through suprasternal incision, usu. for biopsy of paratracheal lymph nodes
mediastinum 1.septum btw. two parts of organ or cavity; 2.median portion of thoracic cavity, containing all thoracic vicera and structures except the lungs
medicinal rel. to medicine having curative properties
medicolegal relating to both medicine and the law
mefenamic acid (generic, 1999) analgesic, non-narcotic; NSAID; short-term relief of mild to moderate pain including primary dysmenorrhea
melena passage of dark-colored, tarry stools due to presence of blood altered by intestinal juices; may reflect bleeding above 1st sect of duodenum (i.e., bleeding ulcer)
meningeal relating to the meninges
meninges pl. of meninx
meningioma benign intracranial tumor (neoplasm) of arachnoidal origin, occurring most freq. in adults
meningitis inflammation of membranes of brain or spinal cord
meningococci syn. Neisseria meningitidis
meninx any membrane; specifically, one of the membranous coverings of the brain and spinal cord
menometrorrhagia irregular or excessive bleeding during menstruation & btw menstruation periods
menorrhagia see hypermenorrhea
menses physiologic hemorrhage from uterine mucous membrane at approx. 4 wk. intervals; usu. preceded by ovulation and predecidual changes in endometrium
menstruation cyclic endometrial shedding & discharge of bloody fluid from uterus during menstrual cycle
mentation process of reasoning and thinking
mesentery 1.double layer of peritoneum attached to abdominal wall & enclosing in its fold a part or all of one of the abdominal viscera, conveying to it its vessels & nerves; fold of peritoneum suspending greater part of small intestines (jejunum & ileum) & attaching it to posterior abdominal wall at root of the mesentery (radix mesenterii)
mesocephalic person having head of medium length
mesosigmoid sigmoid mesocolon, lower part of colon
mestranol & norethindeone (generic, 1999) contraceptive, oral; for prevention of pregnancy; treatment of hypermenorrhea, endometriosis, female hypogonadism
metaproterenol (generic, 1999) andrenergic agonist agent; bronchodilator in reversible airway obstruction due to asthma or COPD
metastasis 1.shifting of disease from one part of body to another; 2.spread of disease process from one part of body to another, as in appearance of neoplasms in remote site from primary tumor through lymphatics or blood vessels, serous cavities, or subarachnoid or other spaces; 3.transportaion of bacteria from one part of body to another through bloodstream or lymph channels
metastases pl. of metastasis
methyldopa (generic, 1999) alpha-adrenergic blocking agent; mgmt of moderate to severe hypertension
methyldopa & hydrochlorothiazide (generic, 1999) antihypertensive agent, combination; mgmt of moderate to severe hypertension
micturition 1.syn. urination; 2.the desire to urinate; 3.frequency of urination
midclavicular line
midsagittal plane divides body into right and left halves
milliequivalent one thousandth equivalent
minora smaller
miosis contraction of the pupil
mitochondria pl. of mitochondrion
mitochondrion body inside cell cytoplasm; principle energy source of the cell; burns food in presence of oxygen
mitral 1.relating to the mitral of bicuspid valve; 2.structure shaped like headband or turban
mitral valve valve closing orifice btw left atrium & left ventricle of heart
monocyte WBC leukocyte normally constituting 3-7% of leukocytes in circulating blood; normally found in lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, loose connective tissue
monos monocytes
mons anatomical prominence or slight elevation above general level of the surface
motility the power of spontaneous movement
mucin secretion containing carbohydrate-rich glyco-proteins such as that from cells of intestine, submaxillary glands, and other mucous glandular cells; mucins act as lubricants and protectants of linings of body cavities
mucoid general term for mucin, mucoprotein, or glycoprotein
mucopurulent pertaining to exudates that are chiefly purulent, but containing relatively conspicuous proportions of mucous material (syn. puromucous)
mucosa mucous tissue lining various tubular structures, consisting of epithelium, lamina, and, in the digestive tract, a layer of smooth muscle
mucosal relating to the mucosa or mucous membrane
mucous relating to mucus or a mucous membrane
mucus the clear viscid secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting of mucin, epithelial cells, leukocytes, and various inorganic salts dissolved in water
multifocal relating to/arising from many foci
multiforme see glioblastoma m.
multigravida a pregnant woman who has been pregnant one or more times previously
musculoligamentous rel. to muscle & ligament tissue
musculoskeletal relating to muscles & to the skeleton
musculus Latin form of the English term; precedes the remainder of the name (m. triceps brachii)
myalgias muscular pain (syn. myodynia)
mycobacteria organisms belonging to the genus Mycobacterium
mycoplasmal disease
mydriasis dilation of the pupil
myelin 1.lipoproteinaceous material, composed of membranes of lipid lamellae (cholesterol, phospholipids, protein, of the myelin sheath; 2.droplets of lipid formed during autolysis & postmortem decomposition
myelin sheath fatty tissue surrounding & protecting axon of a nerve cell
myeloblast immature cell in granulocytic series, normally in bone marrow, but not in circulating blood (except in certain diseases)
myelocyte 1.young cell of granulocytic series, normally in bone marrow, but not in circulating blood (except in certain diseases); 2.nerve cell of gray matter of brain or spinal cord
myelogenesis 1.developmt of bone marrow; 2.devlpmt of the CNS; 3.formation of myelin around an axon
myelogenetic 1.relating to myelogenesis; 2.produced by or originating in the bone marrow
myelogenous see myelogenetic
myelogram radiographic contrast study of spinal subarachnoid space and its contents
myelopoiesis formation of tissue elements of bone marrow, or any types of blood cells derived fm bone marrow; or both processes
myelopoietic relating to myelopoiesis
myocardial relating to the myocardium
myocardium middle, muscular, layer of the heart wall
myoma benign neoplasm of muscular tissue
myomectomy surgical removal of uterine myoma
(syn. fibroidectomy, fibromectomy, hysteromyomectomy)
myositis inflammation of a muscle (syn. initis)
myovascular rel. to muscle or blood vessels
myringotomy surgical incision of tympanic membrane
myxedema hypothyroidism charac. by hard edema of subcutaneous tissue, incr. mucins in fluid; (charact. by somnolence, slow mentation, dryness & loss of hair, fluid incr. in body cavities such as pericardial sac, subnormal temperature, hoarseness, muscle weakness, & slow return of muscle to neutral position after tendon jerk); usu. caused by removal or loss of functioning thyroid tissue
Naprosyn analgesic; NSAID; mgmt of inflammatory disease & rheumatoid disorders (brd 1999)
Nasalcrom Nasal Solution adjunct in prophylaxis of allergic disorders (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma); inhalation product may prev. exercise-induced bronchospasm (brand 1999)
Neisseria meningitides bacterial species in nasopharynx; causative agent of meningococcal meningitis & miningicoccemia; virulent organisms strongly Gram-negative
N. gonorrhoeae
Nicorette DS Gum smoking deterrent (brand 1999)
Nizoral antifungal agent (brand, 1999)
Norinyl 1+35 (brand, 1999) contraceptive, oral;
see ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone
Norinyl 1+50 (brand, 1999) contraceptive, oral;
see mestranol & norethindeone
Norpramin (brand, 1999) antidepressant, tricyclic;
see desipramine
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
nares anterior openings to the nasal cavities
nasogastric pertaining to/involving both the nasal passages & the stomach, as in n. intubation
nasotracheal tube tracheal tube inserted trough the nasal passages
navicular central ankle bone
neoplasm abnormal tissue growing by cellular proliferation more rapidly than normal; continues to grow after stimuli that initiated new growth ceases. Usu. forms benign tumor or malignant cancer.
nephric relating to the kidney (syn. renal)
nephrolysis 1.freeing of kidney fm inflammatory adhesions w/preserv of capsule; 2.destruction of renal cells
nephron long convoluted functional tubular structure in kidney; water, sugar, wastes, & salts filtered & urine formed
nephrotic syndrome
neuroglycopenic symptoms dizziness, confusion, tiredness, difficulty speaking, headache, inability to concentrate; resulting from low blood glucose
neurovascular relating to both nervous and vascular systems; relating to nerves supplying walls of blood vessels, the vasomotor nerves
neutrophil 1.mature WBC (54-65% of all leukocytes) formed by myelopoietic tissue of bone marrow; disease-fighting cell; 2.any cell/tissue that manifests no special affinity for acid or basic dyes
nizatidine (generic, 1999) histamine H2 antagonist; treatment & maintenance of duodenal ulcer & GERD
nocturia purposeful urination at night after awakening fm sleep resulting fm failure of suppression of urine prod during recumbency or incomplete emptying of bladder because of obstructive lesions in lwr urinary tract or detrusor instability
nondiaphoretic not relating to perspiration or causing perspiration
nondistended 1.not stretched out; 2.not expanded, as by pressure from within; 3.not made to become swollen
nonicteric not related to or marked by jaundice
nonmedical 1.not related to medicine or the practice of medicine; 2.not medicinal
nonpruritic nonitching
nontender not sensitive to pain as a result of pressure or contact that is not sufficient to cause discomfort in normal tissues
normocephalic see mesocephalic
nucha the back of the neck (syn. nape)
nuchal relating to the nucha
nuchal rigidity stiffness of the neck
nullipara a woman who has never borne a child
nystagmography technique of recording involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyeballs
nystagmus involuntary rhythmic oscillation of eyeballs
OTC over the counter drug available without a prescription
obtusion 1.dullness of sensibility; 2.dulling or deadening of sensibility
occipitis, occiput the back of the head
occlusion act of closing or state of being closed
oculography method of recording eye position & movements
olecranon large process forming the elbow; proximal extremity of the ulna bone; upr & posterior surface of which gives attachment to tendon of triceps muscle
ophthalmic relating to the eye
ophthalmoscope device for studying the interior of the eyeball through the pupil (syn. funduscope)
ophthalmoscopy exam of eye fundus w/ophthalmoscope
ophthalomology medical specialty of the eye, its diseases, and refractive errors
orchiopexy 1.surgical treatment of undescended testicle by freeing it & implanting it into scrotum; 2.anchoring testis susceptible to torsion in the scrotum
organomegaly syn. visceromegaly
orifice any aperture or opening, os, meatus
orotracheal tube tracheal tube inserted thru mouth
otitis media
oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) hemoglobin in combination w/oxygen; form of hemoblogin in arterial blood; easily displaced by carbon monoxide
Parafon Forte skeletal muscle relaxant (brnd 1999)
Parkinsonian syndrome
Percodan analgesic, narcotic; relief of moderate to severe pain (brand, 1999)
Pernox (OTC) (brand, 1999) antiseborrheic agent, topical;
see salicylic acid and sulfur
P. mirabilis
Ponstel (brand, 1999) analgesic, non-narcotic; NSAID;
see mefenamic acid
Premarin (brand, 1999) estrogen derivative;
see estrogens, conjugated
Procanabid (brand, 1999) antiarrhythmic agent;
see procainamide
Procan (brand, discontinued, replaced by Procanbid in 1996); antiarrhythmic; see procainamide
Proventil (brand 1999) andrenergic agonist agent; see albuterol
PSVT paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
parathyroid hormone see parathormone
parathormone (PTH) (syn. parathyroid hormone); produced by parathyroid gland increases blood calcium
paratracheal pertaining to near the trachea
parenchyma distinguishing cells of gland or organ; perform essential functions
pectoralis pertaining to the thorax or chest
pectoris see angina pectoris
pedis feet
penicillin g benzathine (generic, 1999) penicillin; treats mild to moderate severe infections (i.e., Streptococcus pharyngitis); active against most gram-positive organisms
penicillin g benzathine & procaine combined (generic, 1999) penicillin; active against most gram-positive organisms; mostly streptococcal and pneumococcal
perfusate fluid used for perfusion; fluid forced through any porous membrane or material
perfusion 1.act of perfusing; 2.blood flow/other perfusate per unit volume of tissue, as in ventilation/perfusion ratio
perfusion study radiopharmaceutical given intravenously, passing through capillaries of the lungs
perianal syn. circumanal
penicillinase used by bacteria to develop penicillin resistance
peritoneal cavity
pharynx upper expanded portion of digestive tube, btw esophagus below & mouth/nasal cavities
phenytoin (generic, 1999) antiarrhythmic agent; hydantoin; mgmt of generalized tonic-clonic (grand-mal), simple partial & complex seizures; prevention of seizures following head trauma/neurosurgery; ventricular arrhythmias
pleura membrane enveloping lungs & pleural cavity
pleural cavity space btw membranes surrnding each lung
pneumonectomy surgical removal of an entire lung
poikilocytes red blood cells of irregular shape
polydipsia excessive thirst, relatively prolonged
polymer substance of high molecular weight made of chains of repeated units sometimes called
popliteal back of the knee (pulse of p. artery felt here)
potassium chloride (generic, 1999) electrolyte supplemt; for potassium deficiency, treatment/prevention of hypokalemia
povidone-iodine (generic 1999) antibacterial, topical; external antiseptic against bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, & yeasts
predecidual before falling off
preeclampsia development of hypertension w/proteinuria or edema, or both, due to pregnancy or influence of recent pregnancy; usu. occurs after 20th week of gestation
presacral anterior to or preceding the sacrum
pretibial rel. to anterior portion of the leg; denoting esp. certain muscles
procainamide (generic, 1999) antiarrhythmic agent; for ventricular tachycardia, premature ventricular contractions, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia & atrial fibrillation; to prevent recurrence of ventricular tachycardia, PSVT, atrial fibrillation or flutter
process anatomy, a projection or outgrowth; 2.method/action to attain result; 3.advance/progress/method as of disease; 4.pathological condition or disease; dentistry, series of operations converting wax pattern, such as denture base, into solid denture base of another material
progesterone antiestrogenic steroid; used to correct abnormalities of menstrual cycle & as contraceptive
prolapse slide, sag, or fall (of organ or other body part)
pronation 1.being prone; 2.rotational position of forearm moving palm into downfacing position; 3.rotational motion of foot in which plantar surface is rotated outward
prone 1.body when lying face downward; 2.pronation of forearm or foot
prophylaxis prevention of disease/process that can lead to disease
propoxyphene (generic, 1999) analgesic, narcotic; management of mild to moderate pain
propoxyphene & acetaminophen (generic, 1999) analgesic, narcotic; management of mild to moderate pain
proptosis see exophthalmos